باسمه سبحانه وبه نستعين

اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه بعدد أوراق الأشجار وأمواج البحار وقطرات الأمطار

تسبح له السماوات السبع والأرض ومن فيهن وإن من شيء إلا يسبح بحمده ولكن لا تفقهون تسبيحهم إنه كان حليما غفورا

سلام الله ورحمته وبركاته عليكم وعلى إخوانكم ما دام الملوان وتعاقب العصران وما دام القمران واستقبال الفرقدان

Serdar kılıç

Welcome to my little corner

  • Aşk mıdır ki cân u dil mülkünü yağmâ eyleyen

    Muhibbî (Kanuni Sultan Süleyman) Is it Love that ravaged this heart full of lifeIs it Love which invades my chest and makes its stead Is it love that latched onto my neck that chain of tormentMade wander all around the world like Majnun of lament Is it Love that pushed the Nightingale to trill and… Continue reading

  • Sen derviş olamazsın

    By Yunus Emre Dervish-hood says to me, You can not be a dervishOh what may I say to you, You can not be a dervish Needs guts of stone, Needs eyes brimming tearsNeeds be softer than sheep, You can not be a dervish Needs be unarmed with beaters, Needs be tongueless with scornersNeeds be passion-less,… Continue reading

  • Ben bu cihâna sığmazam

    By Nesimi I encompass both worlds, into this one I do not fitI am the spaceless essence, within being or place I do not fit Being and place are but my signs, from the Essence is my beginningKnow of me from this emblem but, within any emblem I do not fit By use of doubt… Continue reading

  • Âlemler nûra gark oldu

    By Yunus Emre The worlds flooded with Light, The night Muhammad was bornBeliever and hypocrite differed, The night Muhammad was born Muhammad appeared suddenly, Disbelieving minds baffledChurches fell collapsed, The night Muhammad was born A Light was hurled from heaven, The Seven joined the FortyMonks turned speechless, The night Muhammad was born Lights descended down… Continue reading

  • O dürri yetimem ki görmedi beni umman

    By Yunus Emre I am that matchless pearl unseen by the sea,I am that drop within which is the sea Come see waves wondrous, view seas invisible,How endless oceans can hide within a drop With ‘I Am The Truth’ not of Oneness did Mansur speak,In the field of love did the Friend hang me tress-like… Continue reading

  • Diyorlar ki aşk denizi kenarsız

    By Serxas Yiğit They say that the sea of love has no edges,So tell me from where does one get into this sea? Seems he were a fish utterly unaware,Seems this fish is already swimming in this sea Many a fish whirl around in the pond,So by which remedy can they get into this sea?… Continue reading

  • Gaflet uykusunda yatar uyanmaz

    By Genç Abdal He sleeps heedless never waking, The heedless with blind hearts are plentyNever listens to truth nor believes, The ignorant with rotten hearts are plenty Refuses submission to Qur’an and Sunnah, Never wakes from his heedless slumberStubborn as stone he makes his demands, The ignorant full with vile acts are plenty Never wavers… Continue reading

  • Benim Bunda Kararım Yok

    By Yunus Emre I have no decision in this, I arrived only to leaveI am a merchant with goods aplenty, I arrived only to sell I did not arrive for quarrel, My duty is only for loveHearts are The Friend’s dwelling, I arrived only to build hearts I am drunk on madness for Him, Only… Continue reading