By Bediüzzaman Said-i Nursî
The Second Station of the Seventeenth Word:
The pieces in this second station resemble poetry, but in reality aren’t. They were not put in verse intentionally. Rather, perhaps they took on the appearance of verse due to the perfect harmony of the truths that they contain.
Abandon such useless lament, leave misfortune and rely on God
For know that within lament, is compounded misery and unending fault
If only one finds the Source of woe, compounded within is grace and delight
Abandon lament, adopt thanks, as if a nightingale pleased with his rose evermore
Yet if in finding Him you fail, then know compounded is pain and loss evermore
While a world of pain exists, from this small wound you shout? Come, rely on God
By relying on God smile at misfortune, until it starts smiling too
As it smiles you will see it dwindle, and then swiftly mutate too
Know O Narcissist that, this world’s bliss is only in abandoning it
If you know Him then that suffices, all that you abandon will be for you
And as for the Arrogant one’s disaster, all that exists will be against you
So it seems in both these cases, one requires abandoning this world entirely
As for what abandonment really is, to look at God’s property by His Name entirely
As for if you desire a trade, come transform this transient life into eternity
If you rush to your Ego’s desires, know it is rotten to its root
If you rush to this world’s rubble, know it is stamped transient
So what even may be bought here, all goods are rotten in this market
Thus it is so pass it by, all goods worthy are lined up right behind
On Yedinci Söz’ün İkinci Makamı:
Bu İkinci Makam’daki parçalar şiire benzer fakat şiir değiller. Kasdî nazmedilmemişler. Belki hakikatlerin kemal-i intizamı cihetinde, bir derece manzum suretini almışlar.
Bırak biçâre feryâdı, belâdan gel tevekkül kıl
Zira feryâd; belâ-ender, hatâ-ender, belâdır bil
Belâ vereni buldunsa, atâ-ender, safâ-ender, belâdır bil
Bırak feryâdı, şükür kıl, mânend-i belâbil, demâ keyfinden güler hep gül mül
Ger bulmazsan, bütün dünya cefâ-ender, fenâ-ender hebâdır, bil
Cihan dolusu bela başında varken, ne bağırırsın küçük bir beladan? Gel, tevekkül kıl
Tevekkül ile belâ yüzünde gül, tâ o da gülsün
O güldükçe küçülür, eder tebeddül
Bil ey hodgâm, bu dünyada saadet, terk-i dünyada
Hudâbîn isen, o kâfidir, bıraksan da bütün eşya lehinde
Ger hodbin isen, helâkettir, ne yaparsan bütün eşya aleyhinde
Demek terki gerektir, her iki hâlde bu dünyada
Terki demek: Hudâ mülkü, O’nun izni, O’nun nâmıyla bakmakta
Ticaret istiyorsan ger, şu fânî ömrünü bâkîye tebdilde
Eğer nefsine tâlib isen, çürüktür, hem temelsiz de
Eğer âfâkı ister isen, fenâ damgası üstünde
Demek değmez ki alınsa, çürük maldır hep bu çarşıda.
Öyle ise, geç.. İyi mallar dizilmiş arkasında
A Fruit From The Black Mulberry Tree:
Under this blessed tree, the Old Said spoke with the tongue of New Said
I address not Ziya Pasha, but those enchanted with Europe entirely
This speaker is not my Ego, but a Heart taught from the Qur’an’s bounty
The Words past are true, never dare wilder nor test any limit
Never dare upon any thought foreign, nor heed to heresy bound for regret
On that day you will see your inspiration, your guide and standard
In bewilderment saying: “Oh to whomever can I lament? I too am stunned”
The Qur’an makes say, so I say without shame
I lament from Him to Him, never stunned as you became
I plead from Truth to Truth, never transgressing as you do
My cause is from Earth to Sky, never fleeing as you do
For the Qur’an’s cause is from Light to Light, never swerving as you do
Within the Qur’an is true wisdom, such I prove, no care to philosophy as you do
Within the Criterion is the diamond truth, such I relish, not selling as you do
I travel from Creation to Truth, never deviating as you do
I soar above those thorned paths, not trailing as you do
I praise for all from Earth to Sky, not discarding as you do
Within Death I find a friend, not scaring as you do
Into the grave I enter smiling, not dreading as you do
As if a Dragon’s maw and Annihilation’s pit, I do not view as you do
With friends the grave reunites me, I do not rage as you do
The door of Mercy, Light, Truth; Never do I revolt nor retreat
Saying “Bismillah” I knock, Never do I pause nor catch fright
Saying “Alhamdulillah” I rest relieved, never troubled nor in torment
Saying “Allahu Akbar” I raise at Resurrection, never fearing that Assembly nor desist
By Divine Grace, Qur’an’s Light, Iman’s Effusion, I do not grieve
Without pause I run, to the Merciful’s Throne I shall fly, I do not baffle! Inshallah
Muhatabım Ziyâ Paşa değil, Avrupa meftûnlarıdır.
Mütekellim nefsim değil, tilmiz-i Kur’ân nâmına kalbimdir
Geçen sözler hakikattir, sakın şaşma, hudûdundan hazer aşma
Ecânib fikrine sapma, dalâlettir kulak asma, eder elbet seni nâdim
Görürsün en ziyâdârın, zekâvette alemdârın
O hayretten der dâim: “Eyvah! kimden kime şekvâ edeyim, ben dahi şaştım”
Kur’ân dedirtir; ben de derim, hiç de çekinmem
O’ndan O’na şekvâ ederim, sen gibi şaşmam
Hak’dan Hakk’a feryâd ederim, sen gibi aşmam
Yerden göğe dâvâ ederim, sen gibi kaçmam
Ki Kur’ân’da hep dâvâ nurdan nuradır, sen gibi caymam
Kur’ân’dadır hak hikmet, isbât ederim, muhâlif felsefeyi beş para saymam
Furkan’dadır elmas hakikat, dercân ederim, sen gibi satmam
Halktan Hakk’a seyrân ederim, sen gibi sapmam
Dikenli yolda tayerân ederim, sen gibi basmam
Ferşten arşa şükrân ederim, sen gibi asmam
Mevte, ecele dost bakarım, sen gibi korkmam
Kabre gülerekten girerim, sen gibi ürkmem
Ejder ağzı, vahşet yatağı, hiçlik boğazı sen gibi görmem
Ahbâba kavuşturur beni, kabirden darılmam, sen gibi kızmam
Rahmet kapısı, nur kapısı, hak kapısı; ondan sıkılmam, geri çekilmem
“Bismillâh” diyerek çalıyorum arkama bakmam, dehşet de almam
“Elhamdülillâh” diyerek rahat bulup yatacağım, zahmeti çekmem, vahşette kalmam
“Allâhu Ekber” diyerek ezân-ı haşri işitip kalkacağım, mahşer-i ekber’den çekinmem, mescid-i âzam’dan çekilmem
Lütf-u Yezdân, nûr-u Kur’ân, feyz-i îmân sayesinde hiç üzülmem
Durmayıp koşacağım, Arş-ı Rahmân zılline uçacağım, sen gibi şaşmam! İnşâallah