By Yunus Emre
The worlds flooded with Light, The night Muhammad was born
Believer and hypocrite differed, The night Muhammad was born
Muhammad appeared suddenly, Disbelieving minds baffled
Churches fell collapsed, The night Muhammad was born
A Light was hurled from heaven, The Seven joined the Forty
Monks turned speechless, The night Muhammad was born
Lights descended down from heaven, Water’s color turned to Light
The ever thirsty were quenched, The night Muhammad was born
The Houri maidens arrived, Wrapped up the swaddle blankets
Paid due respects to Muhammad, The night Muhammad was born
The crying child was consoled, The child-bearing mother rejoiced
How many disbelievers came to Faith, The night Muhammad was born
Yunus says: Oh brothers, Let the tears of blood flow
Mountains and stones prostrated, The night Muhammad was born
Âlemler nûra gark oldu, Muhammed doğduğu gece
Mü’min münâfık fark oldu, Muhammed doğduğu gece
Muhammed âneden düşdü, Kâfirlerin aklı şaşdı
Kiliseler yere göçtü, Muhammed doğduğu gece
Gökden yere nûr atıldı, Yediler kırka katıldı
Keşişlerde dil tutuldu, Muhammed doğduğu gece
Gökden yere nûrlar indi, Suyun rengi nûra döndü
Hep susuzlar suya kandı, Muhammed doğduğu gece
Hûri kızları geldiler, Kundağın bile sardılar
Muhammed‘e yüz sürdüler, Muhammed doğduğu gece
Ağlayan oğlan avundu, Doğuran ana sevindi
Nice küffâr dîne geldi, Muhammed doğduğu gece
Yûnus der ki ey kardeşler, Akıt gözden kanlı yaşlar
Secde etdi dağlar taşlar, Muhammed doğduğu gece\