Muhibbî (Kanuni Sultan Süleyman)
Is it Love that ravaged this heart full of life
Is it Love which invades my chest and makes its stead
Is it love that latched onto my neck that chain of torment
Made wander all around the world like Majnun of lament
Is it Love that pushed the Nightingale to trill and sing
In the clutches of those fickle roses until dawn bring
Is it Love that gave this voice a tongue like Shirin
As if like Ferhat mad in the mountain of suffering
Is it Love which pierces this heart like suffering’s arrow
Which makes this chest manifest such woe, trouble and sorrow
Is it Love that has bent this stature and made cry “Oh!”
All from recalling the visage of that bow-like eyebrow
Is it Love that taught lovers this art of heartache
And etched it onto the slate hanged on this chest’s gate
Is it Love that placed a mountain in this Muhibbi’s chest
Then from those flowing tears turned it into a sea effervesced
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